NICRA Project
National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) was first initiated at Chamaluru (v), Narpala (M) in the year 2011, later expanded to neighboring villages of Chakrayapeta and Peravali. During 2016-17 extended NICRA interventions to neighbor villages (Sivapuram, Bandameedapalli, Pothurajkalva of Singanamala Mandal). During 2022-23 newly adopted villages of Sodanapalli, East Narasapuram and Pothurajukaluva as a part of up scaling of technologies. The PRA was conducted with the invocation of staff members and addressed the gathering about the concept of NICRA and its objectives to the farmers. Constraint analysis and action plans were formulated with the active participation of stakeholders.
The major climatic and soil constraints of the villages were low and erratic rainfall, uneven distribution of rainfall, delayed monsoon, early cessation of monsoon, prolonged dry spells, shallow depth of soils, low water holding capacity, saline and alkali soils. The objectives of the NICRA project as follows:
- To enhance the resilience of Indian agriculture to climate change through the application of improved &risk management technologies.
- To enhance the capacity of scientists and other stakeholders in climate resilient agricultural research and its application.
- To demonstrate site specific technology packages on farmers’ fields for adapting to current climate risks.
KVK introduced different interventions in crop production modules viz., short duration crops of greengram WGG-42 (50-60 days), crop diversification with castor ICH-66, contingency crop planning with white jowar (NTJ-5), setaria, cowpea (TPTC-29), multiple cropping, introduction of field bean in orchards, replacement of short duration redgram (LRG-41) with medium duration redgram (LRG-52 and PRG-176) varieties. Different successful interventions in livestock component viz., area specific mineral mixture, urea molasses blocks, introduction of kadaknath birds.
During kharif 2022, Natural resource conservation techniques like demonstration of sub-soiling with chisel plough in groundnut and redgram. Harvested water in check dams and farm ponds were utilizing for the cultivation of groundnut, sweet orange, green gram, paddy, lily and castor crops.
As the water is a scare commodity, livestock suffered from lack of green grass and fodder. Hence, demonstration of area specific mineral mixture, urea molasses blocks, and salt licks were demonstrated to increase income of the farmer. Established different fodder varieties in NICRA adopted villages.
Number of villages and their names involved in the NICRA Programme
S N |
Details |
Village 1 |
Village 2 |
Village 3 |
Village 4 |
Village 5 |
Village 6 |
Village 7 |
Existing villages |
New Villages |
1 |
Name of the village |
Chamaluru (V), Narpala (M), Anantapur Dt |
Chakraya peta (V), Singana mala (M), Ananthapur Dt |
Peravali (V), Singana mala (M), Ananthapur Dt |
C. Bandameeda palli (V), Singana mala (M) Ananthapur Dt |
Pothuraju kaluva (V), Singana mala (M), Anantapur Dt |
Sodana palli (V), Singana mala (M), Anantapur Dt |
East Narasa puram (V), Singana mala (M), Anantapur Dt |
2 |
Involved in TDC since (year) |
2011 |
2013 |
2013 |
2017 |
2022 |
2022 |
2022 |
3 |
Cultivated area (ha) |
2165 ha |
108 ha |
715 ha |
612 ha |
351.6 ha |
977.54 ha |
257.3 ha |
4 |
Rainfed Area (ha) |
1740 |
97 |
557 |
128 ha |
238 |
349.4 |
164.9 |
5 |
Irrigated Area (ha) |
425 |
11 |
158 |
484 ha |
117.2 |
94.2 |
92.6 |
6 |
No. of households in the village |
528 |
43 |
439 |
345 |
136 |
528 |
192 |
7 |
Major soil type |
Red soils |
Red soils |
Red soils– 90%, Light black soils – 10 %. |
Black soils, Red soils |
Red soils & Black soils |
Red soils & Black soils |
Red soils & Black soils |
Information about the NICRA villages and the focus of activities in these villages
Details of Villages |
Existing Villages |
New adopted villages |
Name |
Chamaluru |
Peravali |
Chakrayapeta |
Pothurajukaluva |
Sodanapalli |
East Narasapuram |
Year adopted in NICRA |
2011 |
2013 |
2013 |
2022 |
2022 |
2022 |
Summary of interventions during 2022-23 in new adopted NICRA villages
Name of the intervention |
No. of units |
Area (ha) |
No. of farmers |
Sub-soiling with chisel plough as a climate resilient practice in dry lands |
-- |
20 |
50 |
Conservation furrow in Groundnut and Redgram |
-- |
4 |
10 |
Resource conservation Technologies (water bodies, farm ponds and check dams) |
3 |
-- |
80 |
Total |
73 |
28 |
140 |
Crop Production
Name of the intervention |
Area (ha) |
No. of farmers |
Introduction of high yielding and improved varieties of groundnut (Kadiri lepakshi)/(K-Chitravathi) |
4 |
10 |
Demonstration of improved high yielding and SMD resistant variety of Redgram (LRG-105)/ (PRG-176) |
4 |
10 |
Crop diversification with improved Castor Hybrids (ICH-66) |
8 |
20 |
Introduction of short duration Greengram (WGG-42)/(IPM 2-14) to escape from drought |
10 |
25 |
Introduction of yellow Jowar (NTJ-5) as contingent crop |
5 |
7 |
Introduction of kitchen garden kits to the farm families as an alternate income generate |
-- |
50 |
Total |
31 |
122 |
Livestock and fisheries
Name of the intervention |
No. of units (Where ever applicable) |
No. of animals benefitted |
No. of farmers |
Supplementation of area specific mineral mixture and Urea molasses blocks to supplement minerals for livestock productivity |
60 |
60 |
30 |
Vaccination and De-worming in sheep and goats |
-- |
2000 |
20 |
Introduction of backyard poultry as a secondary source of income (Kadaknath) |
300 |
300 |
30 |
Introduction of fodder varieties (Super Napier),(CoFs-31,32) |
4 ha |
-- |
10 |
Development of Integrated Farming Systems in dry lands |
3 |
-- |
3 |
Azolla as supplemental feed for live stock |
10 |
-- |
10 |
Introduction of pisciculture in water bodies, farm ponds and check dams |
3 |
-- |
6 |
Total |
380 |
2360 |
109 |
Fodder production
Interventions (Fodder varieties/ Azolla/Hydroponics etc.) |
No. of Units |
No. of farmers |
Area (ha) |
Introduction of fodder varieties |
02 |
3 |
2 |
Total |
02 |
3 |
2 |
Capacity Building
Thematic area |
No. of Courses |
No. of beneficiaries |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Natural resource management |
02 |
38 |
7 |
45 |
Crop management |
02 |
52 |
5 |
57 |
Pest and disease management |
01 |
23 |
6 |
29 |
Total |
05 |
113 |
18 |
131 |
Extension Activities
Thematic area |
No. of activities |
No. of beneficiaries |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Method demonstrations |
02 |
28 |
4 |
32 |
Agro advisory services |
43 |
43 |
3 |
46 |
Group discussions |
01 |
23 |
8 |
31 |
Field Day |
03 |
18 |
11 |
29 |
Total |
49 |
112 |
26 |
138 |
NICRA Training programmes 2022-2023
Training programme on Groundnut (K-lepakshi) @ 01.07.22 |
Training programme on Redgram (PRG-176) @ 06.07.22 |
Training programme on Jowar seed distribution under NICRA @ 05.11.22 |
SC-SUB PLAN Under SC- Sub Plan, Training programmes, seed distributions, Nutri garden kits & 100 battery sprayers were distributed to Chapatla, Cherlopalli, Lingareddipalli, Raghavampalli villages in Ananthapuramu dist..
PINK BOLLWORM MANAGEMENT PROJECT Pink bollworm management sponsored by IICR (July 2022-March 2023) in location- Sunkesalapalli, pasaluru, Peddapappuru mandal with an extent of 50 acres. 25 acres (Mating Distruption Technology), 25 acres (Integrated Resistance management), 5 acres (Control plot) and benefitted farmers were 37.
Under natural farming 8 demonstrations were given in sweet orange, pomegranate, banana, grapes, tomato, chilli, groundnut in chapatla and uppanesinapalli villages in Ananthapramu dist..
AGRICULTURE DRONE PROJECT The demonstrations were carried out in 165 acres with coverage of cotton, paddy, tomato, groundnut, banana, tomato, sweet orange, redgram and bengalgram for the benefit of 44 farmers. The technology was transferred to 845 farmers.
Agril.Drone demonstrations in various crops
National Food Security Mission : This project was implemented in 1000 ha 684 farmers of Tummala, Mallenipalli, Chamaluru, Chekrayapeta villages for pigeonpea. In addition to pigeonpea seed, prophenophos, single super phosphate and pheromone traps were distributed. An average productivity of 140 kg/acre was obtained. National Initative On Climate Resilient Agriculture :This project is implemented in Chamulru and Chakrayapeta villages this project implements activities on Natural Resource manangement, Water and Labour saving technologies, Water conservation techniques, capacity building and institutional interventions were carried out at village level. Technology Demonstration on Pulses : under this project complete package of practices in redgram and bengalgram were demonstrated each in 30 acres to improve the pulses productivity
Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana : Under this project Integrated Farming Systems “Field Testing and Popularizing Integrated Farming (Farming System Approaches) for sustainable livelihoods” are demonstrated with 25 farmers on different farming systems.